We love hearing about the success of our members, and so we’re glad when we can share a member’s success with you. But even more so, we love it when we find the true meaning of Made in Yorkshire.
Made in Yorkshire members Excel Water (@Excelwaterltd) manufacture and service Demin plants; so we sat down with Excel Water to discuss what these systems do and to also discuss with them the historical context of how one member has developed a system that can serve millions of manufacturer’s across the country.
What may surprise you about Demin plants and the pure water they create is that in many corners of the manufacturing industry, from automotive to chemicals, these machines play a vital process in the creation of goods that are used by millions of people every single day.
Demin plants, like the one you see below, can sell for anywhere between £17,000 to £20,000 and can convert normal mains water to high purity water, that being water that measures at less than 1 micro siemens.
But why would you invest in a Demin water plant? The use of the machine would ensure the quality of the user's product by ensuring that the quality of the water is always the same, there are no particles in the water which can affect product quality and create streaks and smears on finished products. As Excel Water state on their website, there are five keys roles of a commercial water treatment system: Increased efficiency, improving process quality, minimising downtime, and saving money.
As an example, a glass manufacturer would use demin water to feed their production line otherwise they would get particles and streaks and smears on the end finished product which in this case is glass.
Demin water is also used for the manufacture of AD blue and in the manufacture of mouthwash to ensure the end product is free of particles.
A true story of Made in Yorkshire...
Yet at the core of this story is a great message about a revolutionary product that has been designed, and improved on, by a member, resulting in something truly Made in Yorkshire.
Whilst the filtration of water has been around for centuries, first using a mixture of sand and charcoal, and then in 1904, when ion exchange was invented, being used to soften water, before being developed into a machine capable of demineralisation. Brian Field, the founder of Excel Water, designed the first type of Demin System for Excel Water, called the EX series in 1993.
These original systems, which could archaic by today's technology, have over the past 26-years have seen an increase in efficiency. Whereas the systems started out at producing water at a quality of 30 micro siemens, in 2019 they’ve managed to get the purity down to 1 micro siemens.
At the same time, these systems originally encountered a 3-hour downtime for the system to regenerate after use, but today the new EX Power Demin plant will regenerate in less than 30 minutes.
Excel Water could help you. They provide customers with a comprehensive maintenance service that will ensure that you can operate all year round, without incident. Through this, they can help prevent a costly breakdown by providing boiler testing, cleaning and chlorination for both pipework and tanks.